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RS-232 Data Collection Program for DOS

Collect for DOS

COLLECT is an extremely powerful yet simple to use program for collecting data from RS-232 instruments with an IBM PC or compatible computer.

COLLECT is a remarkable TSR (Terminate and Stay Resident) program that collects RS-232 data, modifies the data and then sends it to the keyboard buffer without affecting normal keyboard functions. The foreground application program accepts the data as if it was manually entered from the keyboard. All of this takes place transparently in the background without interfering with the foreground program.

Any RS-232 device with a regular data format can be used. COLLECT is especially useful for electronic measuring devices, bar code readers, scales, data loggers and portable data storage terminals.

COLLECT is compatible with any software that allows data entry through the keyboard. It uses standard PC RS-232 COM 1, 2, 3 and 4 ports. The port number, interrupts and addresses can be specified by the user.

Instrument Control
Commands can be sent through any of the RS-232 ports to control instruments. Commands can consist of any printable or non-printable characters. The command can be cycled automatically allowing you to prompt for data values at regular intervals.

A special View Window can be used to display incoming data without leaving the foreground program. This makes it very easy to set up new instruments.

User specified prompts can be incorporated into the program so that items such as operator name, product description and batch number can be added to the data received from the instrument. The user is prompted for this data each time an instrument is turned on.

Collected data can be modified before it is sent to the keyboard buffer or to a file. Data can be selectively parsed so that only the required data is transferred. COLLECT can also use multi-character delimiters and filter out non-numeric data.

Keyboard characters and ASCII codes(macros) can be inserted automatically before and after each data field including data and time stamps. The effect of these macros is to press the same keys that you would press if you were entering the data manually. They can correctly position the cursor between each data field and in programs such as Lotus, they can be used to format the data as it is entered.

Collected data can be sent to a file instead of the keyboard buffer. All of the parsing and macro modifications remain active. This is done completely in the background while you use the computer for some other application.

animated folder

View an Adobe Acrobat pdf file for more product info (requires Acrobat Reader).

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